Sign up for Private Volleyball Lessons

Contact us for your player’s private lessons!

sign up for private volleyball lessons - eclipse volleyball club kc
Coach Diane Allen training an Eclipse Volleyball Player

How Private Lessons Helps Players

During volleyball practices, it is difficult for a coach to focus on an individual without taking away from the whole team. Signing up for Private Volleyball Lessons help improve an athlete’s ability to reach their full potential, minimize injuries, and increase their fitness condition. Other benefits that players see from adding volleyball lessons to their routine include the following:

Private volleyball lessons give players extra attention to fine-tuning their talents and skills while turning weaknesses into strong points. During the lesson, the coach can evaluate movement, look for technique flaws, and cue the player to adjust their performance. The repetitive drills and skill development result in a more confident player.

Improve your skill level and keep your body in tip-top shape for your school’s volleyball season. Our coaches provide inspiration and motivation that not only push players but also instill confidence in their game. When returning to your school’s volleyball team, we want you ready to hit the court for practice, but also your games!

Does your player need help with Outside and Opposite side hitting, Defensive Skills, Setting, or Serving? After accessing your player’s positional skill, we’ll highlight the positive aspects that we see and work on the areas needed for their volleyball position.

Private Volleyball Lessons we offer

Personal indoor volleyball training sessions for 1-3 players, customized with specific skills by an Eclipse Volleyball Coach*. Here are descriptions of Private Lessons we offer for each number of volleyball players.

Individual Private Lessons ( One Player One Coach)

The player is by themselves with a coach. High quantity of repetition,
individual one-on-one focus means personalized instruction and attention. Individual lessons are great for players new to the game to an advance player needing help with their position. Considerations about individual Since this highest cost per player, lowest game-like visualization.

Semi-Private Lessons ( Two Players One Coach)

The Two-person session involves two players and a coach. Players should be paired in ways that will enhance the quality of repetition and the coach’s ability to teach complementary or comparable skills. Suggested pairings are setter with a hitter, hitter with a libero/DS, or two players of the same position. Shared individual focus, shared repetitions, lower cost per player. This session is difficult to arrange due to each player’s schedule.

The Semi-Private lesson requires one parent/player reaching out to another parent/player to pay for and schedule a semi-private lessons. In other words, the parent must find another complementary player to share the lesson with their player and book two lessons for 1 time slot to receive our Group lesson discount.

Group Lessons (Three Players One Coach)

Three players and a coach. This type group lesson works best when players are grouped to enhance complementary skills. For example, setter and hitters, passers and setter, hitters and defenders, blocking, etc. Little fatigue means high-quality repetitions, also game-like visualization benefits, and value of camaraderie. Lowest individual focus, lowest amount of repetitions, lowest cost per player.

The Group Lesson is challenging to arrange due to one parent/player paying for the lessons, scheduling the group lesson, and locating players to work on complementary skills. This means, the parents must find 2 other players and book 3 lessons for 1 time slot to receive our group discount.

Private Volleyball Lessons Cost and Length

Cost per volleyball lesson may vary between our Volleyball Coaches. Prices range from $75 to $90 per hour. Visit our our shop page or use the booking calendar below to see what each Eclipse Coach charge for one player per one hour private lesson. Discounts are available when one player can book two or three lessons for 1 time slot for themselves with another player or friends.

Eclipse Volleyball Coaches providing Private Lessons

Coach Diane Allen

Listed below are volleyball skills that Coach Diane provides at private lessons. She offers One Hour Volleyball Lessons at $80/hr. Discounts are available for Semi-private and Group Lessons (please use our booking application below for prices of semi-private and group lessons).

  • Developing Fundamental Volleyball Skills
  • Beginning to Advance Setting
  • Serving
  • Passing
  • Hitting
  • Volleyball Skills Assessment

To book your player’s private lesson with Coach Diane please use our booking calendar below or visit our shop page. Please contact Coach Diane to discuss other skills she can help your player.

Coach Diane conducts Private Lessons at Eclipse Volleyball Club KC’s Northland Location.

Coach Charles Cooper

Listed below are volleyball skills that Coach Charles provides at private lessons. He offers One Hour Volleyball Lessons at $80/hr. Discounts are available for Semi-private and Group Lessons (please use our booking application below for Prices of semi-private and group lesson).

  • Developing Fundamental Volleyball Skills
  • Setting
  • Beginning to Advance Serving
  • Advance Passing
  • Beginning to Advance Hitting
  • Volleyball Skills Assessment

Book your player’s private lesson with Coach Charles using our booking calendar below or visit our shop page. Please contact Coach Charles to discuss other skills he can help your player.

Coach Charles sees Players for Private Lessons at Eclipse Volleyball Club KC’s Independence Facility.

Steps on booking an Eclipse Volleyball private lesson

Time needed: 7 minutes

Booking a Private Volleyball Lesson with Eclipse Volleyball Club KC

  1. Choose the Private Volleyball Lesson Location

    Do you want to do your lesson at Eclipse Volleyball KC’s Northland or Independence Facility?

  2. Select the volleyball coach

    Use the drop down arrow to see volleyball coaches who provide lessons. If you do not see the Coach Selection for Private VB Lessons, that means there is only one Coach providing Lessons at Eclipse’s VB facility.

  3. Select the month you want to schedule the lesson

    Parents can schedule a volleyball lesson One month in advance.

  4. Select the date of the private volleyball lesson

    There is a 72-hour lead time to booking a private lesson. In other words, if it’s Monday and you try to book a lesson the next day, Tuesday. Our system will not allow a booking until Thursday. If the dates and times shown on our calendar do not work for your private lesson, please contact Coach Charles or Coach Diane for additional help.

  5. Select the time slot

    Please select the time slot that is available on the date

  6. Optional Step

    Use the drop-down carrot if you want to make the private lesson a semi-private (2 players) or small group ( 3 players). Otherwise leave as none for a single private lesson.

  7. Enter your

    player’s info so we’ll know how to help the player before the lesson.

  8. Click on the “BOOK NOW” button

    After clicking on the “BOOK NOW” button you’ll be taken to our website’s cart. On this page you can order more services or proceed to our checkout page.

Each Coaches Private Lesson Locations

Book your Private Volleyball Lesson with Coach Diane at Eclipse’s Northland Facility

$80.00 60 minutes

Book your Private Volleyball Lesson with Coach Charles at Eclipse’s Independence Location

$80.00 60 minutes

Question? Contact our Co-Directors

Questions about our Private Volleyball Lessons? Please Email or call our Volleyball Co-Directors.